Chokeberry Syrup 250ml
Chokeberry Syrup 250ml
Chokeberry syrup (aronia) from Fasslerhof in Niederdorf
Ingredients: Chokeberry juice 60%, sugar, wild quince juice
Aronia - medicinal plant of the future, the wild plant with a high anthocyanin content
The chokeberry comes from the forests of North America and has been
originally planted as an ornamental tree in gardens and parks. Just before
some decades one has with scientific investigations of
Aronia berries surprisingly found that within the plant world,
has one of the highest anthocyanin* concentrations. This very high
salary at antioxidants contributes to the fact that the aronia is strongly "on the rise"
is and is therefore cultivated more and more frequently in our country.
anthocyanins are natural pigments in plants. She
have an antioxidant effect and have the ability to protect cells and free
bind free radicals in the body.